August 10th, 2017

Lazy Day

When : August 10th

Lazy Day is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day. If summer chores are not done by now, they can just wait one more day. It is best spent on a hammock, along with your favorite summer beverage.

Whoever said ""There's no lazy days...just lazy people."" Well, we respectfully disagree. Today is proof positive. It is indeed a Lazy Day. And, we consider that a good thing.

If you enjoy the intent of today, you will also look forward to Relaxation Day. It is coming up soon.

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Duran Duran Appreciation Day

Duran Duran Day celebrates 80’s rock icons, Duran Duran – a band who pushed the limits of acceptable music video content. Try listening to some Duran Duran at work, in the car, and at home; don’t worry, it’s officially ok for just one day!

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S'mores Day

Date When Celebrated: Always on August 10th

S'mores are a favorite campsite treat for young and old kids. If you're at a campfire, chances are, there's S'mores. Sticky and gooey, and loaded with sugar and carbs, S'mores are nothing short of delicious. Who was the first person to create S'mores? We don't know. But, we're all sure glad they did!

National S'mores Day celebrates this tasty summer treat. It's appropriately observed in August...campfire prime time. Don't limit your consumption of S'ores to the campfire. They are popular with kids year round, and can be baked in the oven, or microwave.

The origin of S'mores dates back to the 1920's. It's believed the recipe was created by the Campfire Girls. Girl Scouts soon discovered it, and found it to be choclatey delicious.  Before long, S'mores became a campfire staple for everyone. S'more folklore suggests that S'mores got its name right by the campfire. After eating one, young kids chanted ""gimme some more!""

While much is written about National S'mores Day, our research has been unable to verify that this is an officially recognized national day (which requires an act of Congress). Don't let that stop you from celebrating this day with a few S'mores.

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