August 6th, 2017

Fresh Breath Day

Nobody likes having a close quarters conversation with that one person who’s just had onions and garlic for lunch, so Fresh Breath Day was created to promote fresh breath.

Did you know that over 50% of the bacteria found in the mouth contributes to bad breath? Brushing twice a day and using mouthwash is the obvious way to fight this, but many people don’t know that mints and chewing gum that contain sugar can actually (in the long term) have the opposite effect than you want.

Why not offer the mints around the office (just don’t single out that one person who loves the peculiar lunches, or it could end badly), and spread the joys of fresh breath on Fresh Breath Day!

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Wiggle Your Toes Day

When : August 6th

Wiggle Your Toes Day encourages you to give your little piggy toes some exercise.

Those ten extremities at the ends of your feet, are crying out for a little freedom. Cramped up inside a pair of shoes or sneakers all day long, your stinky toes just don't get the chance to move about freely, as they would like to do.

Celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day by airing out your toes, and wiggling them around for all to see. The best place to wiggle your toes on a hot August day, is in the pool. Or, sit on a dock and stick your wiggly little toes in the water.

Did you Know? Not all toes are alike. Like people, toes come in all shapes and sizes. There is a small percentage of the population who have two or more toes partially joined together....web like toes!

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Root Beer Float Day

Get some vanilla ice cream and drink yourself silly
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