July 25th, 2024

Thread the Needle Day

Can you sew? Thread The Needle Day is a chance to get dust off your sewing skills, or to learn how if you don’t know how. Why not organise a sew-a-thon, or sewing lessons with friends to celebrate?

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/thread-the-needle-day/

Culinarians Day

When : July 25th

 Culinarians Day is a special day for anyone who cooks. That means just about everyone of us get to celebrate this day. You don't have to be a chef, or a graduate of a culinary institute to celebrate this delicious day. You simply have to  cook, and to enjoy the results.

There's national concern over growing obesity in America. Recognizing this fact, one would think that this is a huge holiday. However, we found this to be one of the least known holidays in the country..... up to now. Not anymore! We have documented it so all can enjoy Culinarians Day this year, and in future years.

Now get into your kitchen and celebrate Culinarians Day. Cook up a storm. BTW: What time should I arrive to eat!?

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/July/culinariansday.htm

Lumberjack Day

Monty Python famously sang the Lumberjack Song and a rendition of this would be appropriate for Lumberjack Day. The history of this celebration dates back to the mid-2000s when Marianne Ways and Colleen AF Venable decided it was time to honor this venerable profession. Venable herself worked as a lumberjack although she has admitted that the original idea for the day was conceived as an excuse to go out and eat pancakes and waffles with friends.

Lumberjack Day has caught on though and is now celebrated by many. Anyone that wants to join in can organize a party for friends and family where the idea is for everyone to dress up in the cliché lumberjack style of plaid shirts, boots, suspenders, and beards. Other ideas for how to enjoy the day can be found on the official website, where you can also learn about lumberjack jargon, jokes, drinks, and recipes.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/lumberjack-day/

Merry-Go-Round Day

Get out to the fair and play on the merry-go-round today

Sysadmin Day

Give something back to the system administrators and find a way to show your thanks


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