June 18th, 2024

Sushi Day

All you have to do for International Sushi Day is to eat sushi! Popularised via Facebook in 2009, this is a recently created Day, and a testiment to the power of social networking websites to create and foster cultural movements

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/sushi-day/

Go Fishing Day

Whether you’re a fluff chucking river man, a deep-sea deckhand, or a float fanatic in lakes and ponds, Go Fishing Day is the perfect excuse we’ve all been looking for to take a day off and get our lines wet.

With fishing as a recreational sport on the up in younger generations, there’s never been more locations to have a go at certain types of fishing. Try something new, or stick with what you’re already good at… either way, make sure you go fishing on June 18th.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/go-fishing-day/

Cow Day


International Picnic Day

International Picnic Day is an informal food holiday which falls on June 18.1 Interested parties, families, organizations, or social clubs celebrate International Picnic Day with picnics, where food is brought from home or a market and eaten at an outdoor location. It is not an official holiday recognized by Congress.

The origin of the concept of a picnic may have been the social banquets held outdoors by wealthy people in medieval times. The earliest picnic gatherings were also probably related to an outdoor feast held after a successful hunt. 2 In reality, any individual, couple, family, or group who ever enjoyed eating outdoors for any reason was having a ââ?¬Å?picnicââ?¬Â, whether or not they had a specific word for it at the time.

The origin of the word ââ?¬Å?picnicââ?¬Â is most likely the French word ââ?¬Ë?ââ?¬â?¢piquerââ?¬â?¢Ã¢â?¬â?¢, which can mean ââ?¬Å?to pick or peckââ?¬Â. It was probably joined with the rhyming obsolete word ââ?¬Ë?ââ?¬â?¢niqueââ?¬â?¢Ã¢â?¬â?¢, meaning trifle, to convey the idea of multiple guests bringing different foods.3 In this way, all guests can make a meal of ââ?¬Å?pickingââ?¬Â at small or ââ?¬Å?triflingââ?¬Â amounts of each dish or option, rather than only eating the food they have brought. This suggests that the original use of the word ââ?¬Å?picnicââ?¬Â may have referred more to the idea of sharing a variety of dishes between people, as with a potluck meal.4 It is possible that picnics in the past were based more upon this idea, and by often implementing the idea outdoors, the meaning of the word gradually moved towards sharing a meal socially outdoors.2

Some offline sources talk about picnics as they occurred in the Victorian era, where it appears that they rose in popularity. There is a theory that this occurred partly as a way to enjoy eating socially, without the restrictive rules of etiquette which applied to indoor social dining occasions. It seems that other factors which may have added to the appeal were viewing outdoor scenery, and holding a gathering in connection with hunting parties.5 The Victorians also believed there was an association that had been made between good health and fresh air, which may also have led to the picnic's rise in popularity.
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.mahalo.com/international-picnic-day

International Panic Day

When : Always June 18th

Today is International Panic Day, a day for everyone to be worried and concerned. We're not sure what is so big, and so widespread, to create an international incident of this magnitude.  But, here it is on the calendar folks......an international day of panic.

This is not the only day to be paniced. The month of March also has a Panic Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/June/intlpanicday.htm

Splurge Day

When : Always June 18th

It's National Splurge Day, oh Yeah!

There are certain dates on the calendar that you look forward to with great excitement. You mark the date and wait in eager anticipation. For me, National Splurge Day is one of those very special days.

National Splurge Day is a day to treat yourself excessively, to anything you want. And, to excess if you desire. Isn't that a great thing?  Maybe, you're on a diet, and that special dessert is too many calories. Maybe, you want to buy a steak, and the budget is a little tight. Toss out the reservations, and go for it today.


Celebrate this day to the fullest degree. Treat yourself to whatever you want and to excess . For, this is a day to splurge. Do so without worry or concern...until tomorrow.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/June/splurgeday.htm

Seersucker Thursday

Seersucker Thursday was an annual tradition in the United States Congress in which Senators don the lightweight, striped, summer-friendly fabric seersucker, in the spirit of traditional Southern clothes, on usually the second or third Thursday of June.[1]

The tradition was started by Republican Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi in 1996 who wanted to ""bring a little Southern charm to the Capitol"" to remind the Senate of how Senators dressed before the advent of air conditioning in the 1950s.[2] The cotton weave, which originated in western India, became a signature look of the United States in the early 20th century because its light weight and pre-rumpled surface made it ideal for the oppressive humidity of summer. [3]

While this tradition was an annual event, it is common to see Congressional staffers don seersucker suits on Thursdays throughout the year.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seersucker_Thursday

Worldwide Knit in Public Day

The world has knitter Danielle Landes to thank for World Wide Knit in Public Day (W.W.K.I.P.D) – and to say that the worldâ??s knitters have turned out in their droves to support her quest to show that knitting is not just for grannies is something of an understatement. Each event – known as a KIP and brandishing the slogan â??Better Living Through Stitching Togetherâ?? – is ran by local groups and despite its reputation as a single day often takes the form of a week long celebration of both knitting and alternative fibre art forms. The popularity of these KIPs continues to grow, with groups often choosing a theme for their particular event. Popular themes include knitting for hospitals, community art projects, environmental concerns, and premature babies – all of which are worthy causes to benefit from those with a love of yarn.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/worldwide-knit-in-public-day/


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