June 17th, 2024

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Five a day is just the starting point on Eat Your Vegetables Day, when you’re encouraged to make a solid attempt to eat all of your veggies. Why not go a step further by trying new or exotic vegetables, or preparing and cooking familiar favourites in new and exciting recipes?

We’ll even let you get away with including tomatoes as a vegetable (they’re actually a fruit) for this day, too.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/eat-your-vegetables-day/

Cherry Tart Day

It is thought that the origins of Cherry Tart Day date back to the annual National Cherry Festival held in Michigan, USA. Cherries were plentiful in supply but their uses were limited. Although cherries are grown on several continents, they have a relatively short growing season.

In a cherry tart, the fruit is presented in an appealing open-faced crusty pastry shell with superior ingredients. Enjoy a scrumptious slice with custard or ice cream, as the pastry crumbles with the tangy cherry taste – rich in antioxidants and even thought to help inflammation.

Bake your cherry tart at home or enjoy choosing one at your local confectioner or cake shop. This Cherry Tart Day, invite friends round for tea and offer them a slice. Alternatively, give this delicious dessert pride of place after your main course, on the top shelf of the sweet trolley â?? and rightfully so. Delight your taste buds!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cherry-tart-day/

Apple Strudel Day

According to some people, every day should be â??apfelstrudelâ?? day, to give it its proper Austrian name. A dish that dates back to 1696, Apple strudel consists of a centre of apple, cinnamon and raisins, wrapped in crispy layers of pastry, that puff up in the oven; served with a dusting of icing sugar and a dollop of thick cream, comfort food at its finest.

The German meaning of strudel is vortex or eddy, which aptly describes the way the pastry layers circle the filling. When creating the dish these layers need to be worked until they are thin enough to read through. It is easy to create at home, using layers of buttered filo pastry, wrapped around your own stewed apple.

Why not celebrate Apple Strudel Day by donning lederhosen, practising some yodelling, and settling down to a warming plateful with a mug of hot chocolate on the side?

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/apple-strudel-day/


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