June 8th, 2024

National Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Upsy Daisy Day

Upsy Daisy Day encourages you to face the day positively, and to get up ‘gloriously, gratefully and gleefully’ each morning.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/upsy-daisy-day/

Best Friends Day

Life wouldn’t be the same without best friends. They’re the friends that can be counted on to be there at a moment’s notice. The ones who love, laugh, support, and cherish – in both good and bad times. Friends can be celebrated on any day of the year, but what better day than Best Friends Day? The day is largely unofficial, with no clear clue as to its origins, but that doesn’t stop the millions who mark the day each year from enjoying their best friends. Celebrations can be as low key or as flamboyant as desired. A picnic in the park, a get together over coffee, or a nice meal in a favourite restaurant are popular ways to celebrate a close friendship. Should distance keep best friends apart, it’s enough to pick up the phone to wish that special person a very happy Best Friends Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/best-friends-day/

Name Your Poison Day

When : Always June 8th

Name Your Poison Day is a day to make a choice. The term ""Name Your Poison"" is commonly used to suggest that you select among a number of options.

This term has a negative connotation. The origin of this term is unknown. But, at the time, it probably referred to some unhappy choice. It is commonly used when asking someone what type of alcoholic drink they want. But, it is also used to refer to any choice of options, good or bad. For example, ""Name Your Poison"" may refer to selecting an ice cream flavor, a dessert choice, etc.  

Celebrate today by making a decision..... Name Your Poison.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/June/nameyourpoison.htm


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