June 1st, 2024

Flip a Coin Day


When : Always June 1st


Flip a Coin Day is day when making decisions is as easy as flipping a coin. This tradition dates back to Julius Caesar. Caesar would take a coin and flip it to make decisions where the right choice was unclear. The correct answer was ""heads"", which of course carried his image on the coin.


Do you have any idea how to celebrate this day? You guessed it...Flip a coin.  Use this method of decision making for all decisions, and for everything you do today.

Thank God It's Monday Day

As a schoolchild once complained: â??Mondays are bad enough, but why do they have to be at the start of the week?â? Itâ??s no easier for the workers of the world: on average, we struggle to the office for over 2,000 working Mondays, to see the same glum faces.

But if everyone takes the step together, Thank God Itâ??s Monday Day shows us what working life could be like. A charity bake sale, a team lunch or even a stroll around the block – with no talking business! â?? can raise morale. Many companies help to organise a trip or a learning day: activity, music and the visual arts all stimulate our minds more than we realise.

The day is often celebrated in early January when, for many, the return from holidays makes spirits slump. Even if youâ??re not really a high-fives-at-the-breakfast-table family, children and parents can play an equal part. And many teachers, secretly as gloomy as anyone else, will need little encouragement to make â??back to schoolâ? a special, fun day.

Say Something Nice Day

Say Something Nice Day began in Charleston, South Carolina, when the Mayors of North Charleston and Charleston came together with members of the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery and the South Carolina Baptist Convention to create a day to be kind to the special people in our lives, like our children. It’s also a day to remember and celebrate people, who provide us with a variety of services, such as bus drivers, healthcare workers and teachers. And, it’s a great opportunity to apologize to people that we might have wronged or hurt through our behaviour. The aim of this special day is to fight against unkindness, bullying and the lack of politeness that dominates society today. The creators hope that this one day of pleasantness will grow, until people are nice to each other everyday.

Set an example and encourage your children to be nice to each other on this day.  Say Something Nice Day is a great opportunity to spread kindness and positivity throughout the world. On this day, people are encouraged to say something nice to as many people as possible. It can be something simple, like telling someone you appreciate them, or giving them a compliment. By spreading good vibes on Say Something Nice Day, we can make the world a more positive place for everyone.

Dare Day

Dare Day is a day to challenge someone, and to do a dare yourself. It's a day that daredevils truely relish. Today is definitely a call to action. It is not a day for procrastinators or for hesitation.

Dares take all forms and shapes. The type of dare is almost limitless. Whether it is a prank, a challenge to accomplish something, or a personal action (like asking someone out on a date), this is the day to make the dare. And, its the day to do the dare. We do suggest that dares be safe, and of course, legal.......

Daring to the max: To dare someone to do something risky or challenging is one thing. Declaring the "double dog dare" heightens the challenge. The highest degree of challenge is to "triple dog dare" someone. It should not be used lightly, or frequently.

The most important DARE: We believe the most important dare is the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.

Go Barefoot Day

Whether you’re at work or not, find a way to rebel against shoes, be it running barefoot through the grass and pampering your feet, or kicking off your shoes under your desk at work when your boss isn’t looking. Show support to the charity Soles4Souls, a global charity trying to put shoes on the feet of 300 million underprivileged children.

National Go Barefoot Day is a day where people are encouraged to go barefoot. It is celebrated annually on the first Friday of June. The purpose of National Go Barefoot Day is to get people to appreciate the feel of the earth beneath their feet and to connect with nature. Going barefoot also has health benefits, such as improving balance and strengthening muscles in the feet. People who celebrate National Go Barefoot Day often do so by going for walks or hikes, swimming, sunbathing, or playing outdoors.


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