May 1st, 2017

Beat Up a White Kid Day

Beat Up a White Kid Day is the colloquial name for racially motivated attacks occurring on May 1stin which Negroes, Mestizos, and other people of color randomly seek out European American (Caucasian) children and attack them. The phenomenon was first publicized by Cleveland, Ohio newspapers in 1993 following the national appeal for calm by Rodney King during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[1] These attacks occur on May 1st, and are most often associated with school age children. The institutional nature of the May 1st assaults were recognized in a 2003 U.S. court proceeding in which an Ohio judge concluded that ""based on the evidence I've heard, May Day is reality and the evidence was overwhelming that this was an attack based on May Day and that the victim was chosen because she was white.""[2]
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Batman Day

If you are of the opinion that there are not enough days set aside to celebrate fictional vigilantes, who dress up as flying creatures in order to tackle crime, then we agree with you. Fortunately, there is one such date set aside every year – Batman Day.

The purpose of Batman Day is to celebrate the anniversary of the character’s first ever appearance, which was in Detective Comics #27 way back in May 1939. Since those early comic book appearances, Batman has grown into one of the world’s best-loved and most recognisable fictional characters, and is the focal point of television shows, animated cartoons, video games and Hollywood blockbusters.

Do you possess some Batman-related comic books, video games or DVDs? Are you the proud owner of a Batman fancy dress costume that rarely gets used? Whatever the case, why not find a way to celebrate Gotham City’s greatest detective?

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Mother Goose Day

When: Always on May 1st

Mother Goose Day was created only recently, as a day to appreciate nursery rhymes and stories. They are a favorite of children and their parents.

The term ""Mother Goose"" dates back to the 1650's. It refered to stories like Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty. It does not appear to represent a particular person, as many of ""Mother Goose"" stories were written both before and after this term was first used. And, the stories were written by numerous authors.

Enjoy ""Mother  Goose Day"" by reading Mother Goose stories and rhymes to your children or grandchildren.

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Save the Rhino Day

When: Always on May 1st

Q: What animal has roamed the earth for over a million years, and has been hunted to near extinction?

A: You guessed it, the Rhinoceros.

Save the Rhino Day encourages us to be aware of, and support efforts to save the Rhinoceros from extinction.

The Rhinoceros is a fascinating creature. Native to Africa, this leftover from the age of Dinosaurs was hunted to near extinction. Hunters on safaris, killed Rhinos just for sport. Poachers hunted them for their horn. The horn has been used as medicine, and for making knife handles, carved statues, and other objects. Animal rights groups have helped to save this animal from extinction, and their numbers have rebounded somewhat.

Did you know? The horn of the Rhinoceros is composed of the same material as your fingernail.

You can enjoy Save the Rhino Day in a variety of ways. Watch documentaries on the Rhinoceros. Visit Rhinos at a zoo. Better still, go on a safari to see one! You can also donate to groups working towards preserving the Rhinoceros. 

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No Pants Day

Feeling constrained by your clothing, relaxing in the privacy of your own home, and wanting to feel the breeze on your bare legs? No Pants Day is the perfect opportunity to brandish your pasty white ankled, and to liberate you legs!

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CSS Reboot Day

Its CSS Reboot Day Today. Today webmasters from all over the world will launch their web standards-based redesigns simultaneously, bringing traffic, interest and respect to their sites.

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Global Love Day

As we continue to connect with people and organizations around the world, we are amazed at how much is being done in efforts to positively assist humanity. There are so many wonderful people and associations that are actively working on behalf of a community, nation and even in global proportions.

As we often remind ourselves, what is presented by mainstream information sources is often a narrow and negative perspective of what is happening upon this planet right now. To the contrary, we see and know that good and right is occurring everywhere. Look for love and you will see it all around you.

This simple reminder changes the very nature of our experience. We are what we place our attention upon. When we allow love to be our focus of life, we expand this in our everyday activities. It is as simple as changing each perspective and allowing the negative and limiting views to be released and replaced by a higher, more loving understanding.

We appreciate and are grateful for the courage each of you express. In a world that has historically revered the negative and fear-based aspects, it takes strength to be and share love. It is time for love to become our common vision.

Please join us. Be a part of this global day by choosing love, compassion, peace, and unity. Share this information with your friends, relatives and coworkers. Love locally and spread it globally.

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New Home Owners Day

If you’ve recently taken the plunge and purchased a house, New Home Owners Day is the perfect time to celebrate your new home! This is your day to forget the stresses of the whole process and bask in your accomplishments.

Even better, why not schedule your housewarming for the occasion? Invite all of your friends and family to enjoy your new home, and fill it with their laughter and their warmth.

New Home Owners Day is also a great time to reflect on how far you’ve come on your home-buying journey, and how far you can still go. You could look back on completed household projects or draw up some plans for new improvements. You might find that just re-arranging your current furniture can completely alter the look of your home!

Whichever way you choose to spend New Home Owners Day, tell us all about it in the comment section!

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School Principals' Day

Along with lawyers and bankers, school principals are in a small group of jobs whose holders are often hated and only rarely appreciated. That should change on School Principals’ Day, the origin of which is unknown but can probably be credited to teachers’ unions!

Though the job title varies between countries (‘School Principal’ is used in North America, while ‘Head Teacher’ is preferred in the UK, for example) every school has to have a boss. Schools are like small businesses, with hundreds of customers (students) and dozens of staff (teachers, receptionists, cleaners and so on) and making it all run smoothly is the job of the Principal. It’s especially difficult if the kids are trouble-makers or the parents aren’t happy. Principals have varying responsibilities, from teacher evaluations to dealing with serious discipline issues, but at its heart their job is about providing the best environment for kids to learn.

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Lei Day

The most common festivities on Lei Day are hula, lei making demonstrations and contests, and the crowning of the Lei Queen and her court. What better way to celebrate Lei Day than by booking a trip to one of Hawaii’s many resorts!

Each island has its own Lei, traditional to each made with flowers, fruit and vines found on that island. Hawaii’s Lei is the Lehua, made from blossoms of ‘Ohi’, a Lehua tree which grows on the slopes of the Volcano.


Officially made a holiday in 1929, and continues to date. The record for the world’s longest Lei was set at the 81st celebration of Lei Day in 2008. Unofficially the Lei measured more than a mile in length.

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