April 16th, 2017

Bookmobile Day

Bookmobile Day is an opportunity to celebrate one of the many services offered through public libraries. Originating in the nineteenth century, the earliest bookmobiles were horse-drawn wagons filled with boxes of books. In the 1920s, Sarah Byrd Askew, a New Jersey librarian, thought reading and literacy so important that she delivered books to rural readers in her own Ford Model T. And today, Kenya still uses camels to deliver materials to fans of reading in rural areas.

How can you celebrate this special day? Imagine the excitement of a child, who has just learned to read, visiting a bookmobile for the first time with its shelves full of books or dvds and a computer for searching the internet. Write a letter to the funders of libraries in praise of the bookmobile, and thank the staff of the bookmobile, who provide a vital community service in all kinds of weather.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bookmobile-day/

Save The Elephant Day

They might be wildlife icons, but, sadly, elephants are in crisis. Save The Elephant Day is a chance to show our love and support for these much-loved giants and raise awareness of the threats to their future in both Africa and Asia, ranging from ivory poachers and traffickers to loss of habitat.

Also known as World Elephant Day, the occasion was founded by the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation, based in Thailand, working together with Canadian film-maker Patricia Sims. The launch of this international initiative in 2012 saw the release of the documentary film ‘Return to the Forest’, narrated by Star Trek legend William Shatner.

The ideal way to mark the day is to donate to a charity helping elephants or organise an event in aid of these beautiful but threatened beasts. You could also watch a wildlife film about elephants or sign a petition to raise awareness.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/save-the-elephant-day/

Foursquare Day

Foursquare acknowledged a grass-roots effort that started in Tampa, Florida [57] in 2010 by declaring April 16 ""Foursquare Day"",[58][59] April being the 4th month and the 16th being equal to four squared.[60][61] Some cities have made official proclamations of April 16 being Foursquare Day (Istanbul, Turkey; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; Cincinnati, Ohio; Corpus Christi, Texas; Gaithersburg, Maryland; Indianapolis, Indiana; Kalamazoo, Michigan; Kennesaw, Georgia; Manchester, New Hampshire; New York City; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Seattle, Washington; Miami, Florida; Victoria, Canada; Toronto, Canada; Ramat Hasharon, Israel; Singapore).[62][63][64][65]

Foursquare Day was coined by Nate Bonilla-Warford, an optometrist from Tampa, Florida on March 12, 2010. The idea came to him while ""thinking about new ways to promote his business"".[66]

In 2010 McDonald's launched a spring pilot program that took advantage of Foursquare Day. Foursquare users who checked into McDonald's restaurants on Foursquare Day were given the chance to win gift cards in 5 and 10 dollar increments. Mashable reported that there was a ""33% increase in foot traffic"" to McDonald's venues, as apparent in the increase in Foursquare check-ins.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foursquare_Day

Eggs Benedict Day

Eggs Benedict Day is an excuse to have a tasty treat! Eggs Benedict is traditionally made from a halved English muffin, topped with ham (or sometimes bacon), poached eggs and a hollandaise sauce. Everybody has their own versions, variations and favourites which change and swap out pretty much all of the components, from using bread instead of muffins, to cheese instead of sauce, or adding extra ingredients such as paprika. Whatever the choice, it’s always delicious!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/eggs-benedict-day/

International Pizza Cake Day

International Pizza Cake Day - a day for the world to unite around cakes that look like pizzas. Want to learn more about International Pizza Cake Day? Read ""The Tale of Gundermeaux"" (in our photos) to learn about the very first pizza cake!
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.facebook.com/InternationalPizzaCakeDay


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