April 15th, 2024

Bicycle Day

Bicycle Day does not, as one might expect, celebrate the ubiquitous two-wheeled mode of transport, beloved of city- and country- dwellers alike the world over. Rather, it celebrates a particular historical event that involves a trip on a bicycle.

‘Trip’ is the operative word here, as Bicycle Day commemorates the first time Dr. Albert Hofmann intentionally took Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) having accidentally discovered it three days previously. Following the deliberate 250mcg dose he started to feel a little odd, so decided to ride his bicycle home. What happened on that trip would lead to LSD becoming a very popular recreational drug – not without its problems though, which is why taking LSD is not a recommended way to celebrate Bicycle Day.

Instead, why not read Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest while listening to ‘Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds’? Trippy, but perfectly safe.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bicycle-day/

Glazed Spiral Ham Day

Not just any ham, Glazed ham!

Rubber Eraser Day

Date When Observed: Always on April 15

Make no mistake... Rubber Eraser Day celebrates the invention of erasers. We all make mistakes. This day is designated to recognize and appreciate the value of that little plug (as manufacturers call them) ,that sits atop our pencils. When we make a mistake, they are the big ""cover-up"", make that eraser, of our booboo or faux pax. Just imagine how messy our documents would be without it!

Why not just call it ""Eraser Day""? There's two reasons. The first erasers were made of rubber. Today, they are made of rubber, or vinyl.  Secondly, in Great Brittain, they are formally called ""rubbers"".

In the world of erasers, there are two men are prominent. Joseph Priestley discovered the eraser in 1770, using pieces of rubber imported from Brazil. Then in 1858, Hyman Lipman of Philadelphia, Pa., patented the pencil with an eraser at the end.  

Today's Quote: To err is human, an eraser is divine!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/other/rubbereraserday.htm

Take A Wild Guess Day

There’s no prize for guessing what we’re celebrating today! As your intuition might just have told you, it’s Take A Wild Guess Day – which does exactly what it says on the tin. The aim is to turn the spotlight on hunches, brilliant leaps of deduction and outright guesswork.

Creator of the day Jim Barber made a lucky guess that it would be a hit – and he proved to be right, as many people have joined in celebrating the occasion. He decided the day should coincide with National Tax Day in the US, when information filed has to be exact. It makes a refreshing change from adding up rows of figures to give your imagination free rein.

A good way to mark the day is to make a fun bet with a friend, or guess the answer for a competition. Do you feel lucky? Then maybe you will be!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/take-a-wild-guess-day/

That Sucks Day

Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/that-sucks-day/

Jackie Robinson Day

Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson's first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day is celebrated each year on that day. The festivity is a result of Robinson's memorable career, best known for becoming the first black major league baseball player of the modern era in 1947.[1][2] His debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers (today known as the Los Angeles Dodgers) ended approximately eighty years of baseball segregation, also known as the baseball color line, or color barrier.[2] He also was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962, remembered for his services with the number 42 jersey.[2]

The gala is celebrated at varied ballparks by Major League team players. On that one day, all players, coaches, and managers on both teams, and the umpires, wear #42 on their jerseys.

Shea Stadium was one of the prominent venues hosting the event, having commemorated the retirement of Robinson's number 42 jersey in 1997. Bob DuPuy, the President and Chief Operating Officer of Major League baseball, described Jackie Robinson Day as a significance ""not only for baseball, but for our country in general.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Robinson_Day


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