March 15th, 2017

Pears Helene Day

Americans never developed the same love of pears that they have for apples, but we have fallen for a number of desserts that star this end-of-summer fresh pick, including ice cream sundae-style Pears Helene.


Brutus Day

Brutus Day aims to promote recognition of the fact that betrayal, backstabbing and dirty politics aren’t by any means a thing of the past, and are as widespread and tactical in our modern, corporate lives as they were in the forums of ancient Rome. Watch your back, avoid office politics, and look out for your friends!

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Everything You Think is Wrong Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th

Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right. Have you ever had a day like that...... a day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too!

Well, today is a special day in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a while. It can even happen to you. We just hope that it doesn't happen too often.

If you're thinking everything is wring today, just wait 24 hours. Tomorrow everything will be just right!

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True Confessions Day

Keeping a guilty secret can be stressful and puts a strain on any relationship. On a lighter note, confessing your feelings to someone could start a beautiful new friendship! True Confessions Day is a day that was created to inspire people to let go of their secrets and have a day of honesty. It’s no surprise that confession is such a big part of many religions: it allows one to cleanse their heart of their troubles and move on with a clear conscience.

Confessing a secret that’s been difficult to keep feels good and helps to relieve stress, so why not give True Confessions Day a try by getting something off your chest and talking things through with a loved one. Remember that honesty is the best policy all year round, so maybe celebrating True Confessions Day will help inspire openness in more relationships, which can only be a good thing.

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Absolutely Incredible Kids Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th

Sure, your kid is pretty good. But, my kid is absolutely incredible! As a matter of fact, all of my kids are absolutely incredible. As a parent, I am going to take full advantage of being the author of this page to exercise my bragging rights, and to let you know that my kids are absolutely incredible. (Wow! That felt pretty good.)

If the paragraph above doesn't give you a good impression of the meaning and purpose of this day, then you probably don't have kids...yet. When those offspring do arrive, you will most certainly use this special  day to profess how incredible your kids are. Amazingly, tomorrow they go back to being brats.

Did you Know? ""Kids"" are baby goats. Does that mean this day is really about incredible goats!? .......Nah!

Celebrate today by letting your kids know how good they are, and how much you love them.

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International Eat An Animal For PETA Day

The hypocrites run kill shelters. They don’t want us to keep animals as pets. Of course, they don’t think anyone should eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products. That’s where International Eat an Animal for PETA Day comes in. It’s the day where we eat animal products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Why eat meat? Because PETA doesn’t want us to. They don’t want us to eat eggs, milk, cheese, or any animal product, which means vegetarians who are offended by PETA’s deliberately offensive ad campaigns and a 97% kill-rate animal shelter can join us.

It all started twelve years ago, when PETA ran an offensive ad they called “The Holocaust on your Plate”, using the famous picture of Elie Wiesel in Auschwitz to compare the slaughter of Jews to the slaughter of–wait for it–chickens. Yes, because they’re just like one another. As a bonus, they stole the picture and lied to get the rights to use it. A reader who is a child of Holocaust survivors alerted me to the campaign, and my philosophy has been more of a “Don’t get mad, get even” (or, well, get mad and get even). And so a blogger holiday was born.

Each year on March 15th, we chow down on animal products, tell each other what the menus will be/are/were, and make fun of PETA while we’re at it. Remember, this is the organization whose leader very publicly put in her will that she wanted her skin to be made into purses and she wants her meat barbecued. Yes, really.

There’s a Facebook group called EATAPETA you’re all welcome to join) and share your pictures and meal plans for the day.

But no matter what, on March 15th, celebrate EATAPETA’s anniversary by eating meat and animal products. As uber-commenter Alex Bensky says, if it didn’t have a mother, don’t eat it.

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Dumbstruck Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th

Dumbstruck Day is a day to be totally dumbstruck over the things you see, hear and read. You may easily be dumbstruck to read that someone created this special day. Some people are dumbstruck on a regular basis, day in and day out. The events in their lives and the world around them are overwhelming. Fortunately, that's not you (we hope).

However, everyone has their chance to be dumbstruck once in a while. If you are normally embarrassed to be dumbstruck, then today is truely a special day. Today, you can be dumbstruck like the rest of us without guilt or embarrassment.

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