March 9th, 2023

Get Over It Day

Letting go and moving on is a difficult, painful process. Bad relationships, bad decisions—we tend to revisit the moments when we were not-so-smart …
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Panic Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 9

Try to stay calm. Take a deep breath. For today is Panic Day. Can you handle today? Good, we were worried for a moment.

Hopefully, everything is going just swell in your life, and you have no need for this day. But, if problems and troubles are looming, try to hold off hitting the panic button until this day arrives.

Don't worry. Don't fret. and, above all, don't panic. However, if ever there was a day to panic, today is that day.

As you get through this unsettling day, you have another day to worry about.......International Panic Day.

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False Teeth Day

Presumably begun by cynical and canny dentists on the hunt for extra work, False Teeth Day celebrates the replacement teeth which will never let you down, even if your real teeth have!

The first society known to have made dentures are a pre-Roman Italian people called the Etruscans. They used real teeth, whether human or animal, on a gold band and fitted them over the wearer’s existing teeth. Using real teeth, often taken from those killed in battle, was the only method of making dentures until science allowed artificial teeth to be made from materials such as plastic – a much more civilised method.

For most false teeth wearers, their replacement teeth allow them to continue to eat and drink as normal. However, the character Jaws, from the James Bond films, had metal false teeth which could bite through anything â?? a skill he used to great effect!

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Barbie Day

Celebrate one of the world’s best known dolls – Barbie Day celebrates her debut in New York at the American International Toy Fair in 1959.

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Check Your Batteries Day

We all know that some days are silly or light-hearted, but there are others which serve an important purpose. Check Your Batteries Day is definitely highly recommended because it could actually save your life.

Created to raise awareness of the importance of testing and having working batteries in household appliances like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices help to warn you of a potentially life threatening situation, giving you vital time to get yourself and your family to safety. However, it’s important they are tested (usually you can do this by pushing a button) regularly to ensure they’re working correctly. Check Your Batteries Day is a reminder to do just that.

While you’re in the routine of checking, it’s a good idea to check other household appliances, such as remote controls, toys, clocks and other electrical items. If you don’t have spare batteries on hand, consider buying some.

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Crabmeat Day

Early crab recipes called for tiny amounts of the meat because crabs were so tough to harvest and shell. Nowadays, crabmeat comes fresh, frozen, canned or even imitation — no cracking required!



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