February 27th, 2024

Strawberry Day

Strawberry Day was created to celebrate those little red fruits bursting with sweet perfection! A gift from Chile in the 1700s, garden strawberry plants made their way to North America in the 1750s. The plant is fairly easy to grow and doesn’t seem adverse to flourishing anywhere in the world. If you’d like your own homegrown strawberries this summer, make sure your plant has full sun and sandy soil – and your dogs don’t eat off all the berries before you can pick a few. If fresh strawberries aren’t at their best in your grocery store, don’t forget the many accessible forms you can always get your hands on. Frozen and dried strawberries can help in a pinch if you’re creating in the kitchen. Strawberry preserves, ice cream, yogurt, smoothies and milkshakes are nothing to shake a stick at either. But if you are one of the lucky folks who stumbled on some great fresh strawberries, you can whip up a strawberry pie, shortcake or even a simple dish of strawberries and cream. We wish you a berry nice day, and strawberry fields forever.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/strawberry-day/

Chili Day

Some like it hot, some like it mild, some like it on top of a baked potato and some prefer it without beans – but however you like it, Chili Day is the perfect excuse for millions of spicy food fans all around the world to chow down on a bowl of the fiery favourite.

Though many people believe chill originated purely in Mexico, modern thinking suggests that it was actually created in Texas and is a blend of Native American, Spanish and Mexican cuisines. This claim is supported by the fact that the first ever written reference to chili occurred in San Antonio in 1828.

Though not an official public holiday, Chili Day is widely celebrated with many restaurants offering free samples of their own unique recipes. Others mark the day with a huge chill party for family and friends – or simply make sure they have chill for lunch!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chili-day/

International Polar Bear Day

If you're a polar bear, you know what to do

Kahlua Day

This coffee-laced rum liqueur lends distinctive flavor to White Russians, mudslides and other cocktail classics, but if you want to try something different, these boozy treats are sure to go down easy.

Source: food.com


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