January 28th, 2024

Rattle Snake Round-Up Day

Breakout the whacking sticks and round-up all those Rattlers

Blueberry Pancake Day

Who doesn’t love waking up to a fresh plate of blueberry pancakes, or even indulging in them for dessert? They truly are a good of the Gods, and they are so universally loved that they even have their own day! That’s right, Blueberry Pancake Day is a thing. One day of every year you can celebrate the sacred blueberry pancake and give it the love and respect it deserves. Select diners and restaurants participate in the day, serving up extra special, and – of course – extra big, stacks of pancakes oozing with delicious blueberries all day long.

This is one day where you can eat blueberry pancakes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert with no guilt or judgement. Why not check out some recipes and have some fun creating twists on the classic pancake recipe, and be sure to stock up on blueberries for those inevitable second helpings!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/blueberry-pancake-day/

International Fun at Work Day

Fun At Work Day is all about enjoying yourself; dress up silly, partake in office-based mischief, or just crank the music up loud while you work!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/fun-at-work-day/

Daisy Day

Kazoo Day

Date When Celebrated: Always January 28th

People young and old love Kazoos. Kazoo Day celebrates the the joy of this musical instrument.

Alabama Vest of Macon Georgia made the first Kazoo in the 1840's. Actually, he conceived the Kazoo, and had Thaddeus Von Clegg, a German clockmaster make it to his specifications. 

Commercial production of the Kazoo didn't occur until many years later in 1912. Manufacturing was first started by Emil Sorg in Western New York. Sorg joined up with Michael McIntyre, a Buffalo tool and die maker. Production moved to Eden, NY where the factory museum remains today.

Kazoos are easy to play. Simply hum a tune into the kazoo, and you're an expert. Kazoos can be played solo, or in groups. It plays a great tune both ways.

What do you do on National Kazoo day? Why, play the kazoo, of course.  

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/January/kazooday.htm


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