January 9th, 2024

Apricot Day

Not many people know that just three apricots will provide a person with a third of your daily beta carotene needs. This is just one of the benefits of this fruit that are celebrated on Apricot Day! Apricots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and fibre.

Apricots have been grown by humans for around 4,000 years. Originally from China, these nutritious stone fruits migrated west and now around 95% of the world’s apricots are grown in California.

To celebrate Apricot Day, a good idea is to cook a dish like chicken tagine with apricots and almonds. These little orange fruits go well in both savoury and sweet recipes, and many people are familiar with them in flans and pastries. Apricots are available in dried and canned form too, so they can deliver their benefits all year round, not just on Apricot Day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/apricot-day/

Static Electricity Day

National Static Electricity Day is celebrated on January 9th. Many people would not understand what static electricity really is and how it works. In the US, in the month of January every day is dedicated for a particular cause or an event, therefore January 9th is dedicated as the National Static Electricity Day.

What is static electricity?

Many of us would have experienced, when we suddenly touch any metal, we experience a sudden static or shock. Sometimes as soon as we take off our hat, our hair stands straight. This especially happens in winters. Therefore, the sudden shock and the hair standing out is a result of static electricity. To know a little more about it we should be aware of a few things around us.

As we all know that everything that surrounds us is made of atom. According to scientists there are 115 pieces of atoms; therefore everything is made of atoms.

Electrical Chargers

Atoms consist of protons, neutrons and electrons and all these three are different from each other. All these have their own characteristics. Out of these, one of the properties is known as an electrical charge. Electrons have a (-) â??negativeâ??â?? charge and (+) protons have a â??positiveâ? charge, while neutrons do not have a charge, they are just neutral. So in an atom when the number of electrons and protons are equal, the atom does not have any charge, its neutral.

Static Electricity- Positive and Negative Chargers

Positive and negative chargers are different. As they say that opposites attract, which is true. Two things that have one positive and the other negative charge will attract.

Activities on National Static Electricity Day

As kids you would have tried this activity. Cut small pieces of paper, take a plastic ruler and rub it on your head. As you move the plastic ruler over the small pieces of paper, you will notice that they get attracted to the plastic ruler. This is known as static force which attracts atoms from the paper to stick to the ruler. Since we know that objects that have the same charge move away from each other. Like two negative or two positive chargers put together will repel from each other.

So, now we know that when we take off our hat, it brushes against the hair. Therefore, the electrons present on your hair move to the hat. As explained earlier, object with the same charge repel from each other, therefore your hair tries to move away from each other. As a result of this it stands straight which is a result of it moving far away from each other. Hence static electricity causes the hair to be this way.

In the same way, when you are walking across a rug, there are electrons that pass on from the rug on to you. You now have a negative static charge and a few extra electrons on your body. When you touch a metal, the metal which is a conductor makes the electrons leap from you to the metal, causing a static shock.

Therefore, the National Static Electricity day is dedicated by knowing how it works and trying out different experiments.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Society/national-static-electricity-day.php

Play God Day

Our research did not discover any information on the meaning or purpose of this day. What we do know ,is that God is good. Therefore, we believe that Play God Day is a day to do something good and extra special.

To mark this day, we suggest that you do something good that will make a difference. Anything that fits this definition is appropriate. You do not have to make it something miraculous. It can be something simple, like visiting someone who is ill, or helping someone in need. Giving God thanks or a prayer is also appropriate for this day.

Origin of Play God Day:

Our research did not discover the origin or the creator of Play God Day. 

We found numerous Ecard companies and calendars sites with this special day. But, we did not find a single site with any factual information about this day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/other/playgodday.htm


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