Suckling Pig Day

When : Always December 18

National Suckling Pig Day is a mid-December day enjoy and remember. While everyone is running around, frantically preparing for the holidays, mom or grandma is busy in the kitchen. She has taken a break from the hubbub to cook a fancy meal.... a roasted suckling pig. As you read this, how many of you thought to yourselves.... ""Yeah, right... fat chance that will happen.""

In case you didn't know....  a ""Suckling Pig"", also called ""Sucking Pig"", is a young piglet that has not yet been weaned from it's mother.

If you are too busy to roast a pig today, take a well deserved break. Go out to a local restaurant and order a roasted suckling pig dinner. It's quicker and easier!

Have a happy National Suckling Pig Day!!!

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