Bake Cookies Day

Bake Cookies Day occurs in the middle of the holiday season, and is a great excuse to bake some delicious cookies to help you get through the cold, winter days! Why not try some cinnamon flavoured cookies (such as the snickerdoodle) to get your kitchen smelling of winter festivities?

Cookies arrived in America in the 17th century, although the word arrived much later with the Dutch in its original form of “koekje”, meaning “little cake”. This was soon shortened to “cooky” or “cookie”, although cookies themselves seem to date back as far as 7th century Persia!

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Baked Scallops Day
Scallop shells symbolized female fertility in ancient times. Venus, the goddess of love, was often depicted with them, most famously in Botticelli's "Birth of Venus." Source:
Save the Rhino Day
When: Always on May 1st Q: What animal has roamed the earth for over a million years, and has been hunted to near extinction? A: You guessed it, the Rhinoceros. Save the Rhino Day encourages us to be aware of, and support efforts to save the Rhinoceros from extinction. The Rhinoceros is a fascinating creature. […]
man and woman wearing black jacket and gray cap
Kiss and Make Up Day
On August 25, Kiss and Make Up Day provides a heartfelt opportunity to mend relationships and resolve conflicts. This day encourages people to reach out to friends, family, or colleagues with whom they may have disagreements, offering apologies and forgiveness to restore harmony. It's a chance to let go of grudges, embrace understanding, and strengthen bonds. Whether through a sincere conversation or a thoughtful gesture, Kiss and Make Up Day underscores the power of reconciliation in fostering lasting, positive connections.
Biological Clock Day
The words ‘biological clock’ may conjure up images of dancing babies, but there’s much more to the biological clock than that last minute urge to make babies that supposedly kicks in at a certain point in a woman’s life.For a start, both men and women have a biological clock, as being celebrated by Biological Clock […]