Techno Day

Techno is a form of electronic dance music that emerged in Detroit, Michigan, in the United States during the late 1980s. The first recorded use of the word techno in reference to a specific genre of music was around the same time. There are now many styles of techno that exist, but Detroit techno is still seen as the foundation of the genre.

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Happiness Happens Day
**Happiness Happens Day**, celebrated on August 8, is a joyous occasion dedicated to spreading positivity and celebrating the simple moments that bring us joy. Founded by the Secret Society of Happy People, this day encourages individuals to focus on the happiness in their lives and share it with others. It’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on what makes us happy, spread smiles, and embrace the little things that brighten our days.
National Tailors Day
National Tailors Day, observed on June 7th, celebrates the skilled artisans who create custom clothing and garments with precision and expertise. This day honors the craftsmanship of tailors and recognizes their contributions to the world of fashion.
Thank a Mailman Day
Itâ??s hard work delivering the mail day in, day out, come rain or shine. Thank A Mailman Day gives you an opportunity to say a polite â??thank youâ?? to your postal courier, parcel service, and good old mailman.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Apricot Day
Not many people know that just three apricots will provide a person with a third of your daily beta carotene needs. This is just one of the benefits of this fruit that are celebrated on Apricot Day! Apricots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and fibre.Apricots have been grown by humans for around […]