
Letter Writing Day

When was the last time you put pen to paper to get in touch with someone? Email, text messaging and instant communication are incredible tools, but lack the personal touch of a handwritten letter. Dust off your writing paper, pens and envelopes and try writing a letter in place of emailing or phoning on Letter Writing Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/letter-writing-day/

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
There’s nothing quite as fun as popping bubble wrap bubbles. Whether you’re unpacking a parcel, playing virtual bubble wrap games online, or have gone out to buy bubble wrap especially, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is the day to indulge and get popping!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubble-wrap-appreciation-day/
Sea Serpent Day
Sea Serpent Day, celebrated on August 7, is a whimsical holiday dedicated to the mythical creatures that have captivated human imagination for centuries. From the Loch Ness Monster to the Kraken, sea serpents have been a part of folklore and maritime legends around the world. This day invites us to dive into the mysteries of the deep and explore the fascinating tales of these legendary sea creatures.
Rhubarb Day
Though cultivated since ancient times, rhubarb didn’t become popular until the Victorian era, when the masses could finally afford the other ingredient required to make its tart stalks palatable: sugar! Source: food.com
Memo Day
When: Always on May 21st Take a memo... Today is National Memo Day. What is it for? Who created it? Why? These are questions awaiting an answer that may never come. Every once in a while, we discover a special day with no known history or description.  Have a pen and paper handy. Go grab […]