Flossing Day

Flossing Day encourages the regular use of dental floss to promote healthy teeth and gums.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/flossing-day/

Madly In Love With Me Day
Ladies, every year on the day before you lavish the significant other in your life with all your love, step back and prepare by focusing as much attention on yourself.Yes, you deserve every bit as much of your love as does the object of your affections.That is the concept behind Madly In Love With Me […]
Plan Your Epitaph Day
When : Always April 6th Plan Your Epitaph Day is a day is a little bit morbid for my liking. My first thought was who would create this day? And, why? I don't want to think about it, let alone plan it. However............. When you stop to think about it, maybe it's best if you […]
Write an Old Friend Today Day
Compose and eMail or letter to someone you haven't talked to in awhile
Mounts Chimborazo and Carguairazo, snowcapped
Chimborazo Day
June 3rd marks Chimborazo Day, commemorating the impressive Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. Although not the highest mountain by elevation, Chimborazo's location near the equator makes its summit the farthest point from Earth's center, due to the planet's bulging shape.

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