Parfait Day

Fancy a fancy fruit sundae? Parfait Day is a perfect opportunity to indulge – and Parfait means ‘perfect’ in French! How convenient, eh? Layer up the fruit, cream and nuts and create something incredible.

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Ken Day
Ken Day celebrates the occasion in 1961 when Barbie’s long-term on-off boyfriend, Ken Carson, first appeared on the scene, exhibited by his makers Mattel at a toy fair. In spite of some unfair comments about his manliness, and the rather more likely suggestions that he cared more about his clothes than his love life, the […]
sliced cheese on brown table top
Another Cheese Day
Another Cheese Day, celebrated on June 4th, pays homage to the diverse world of cheese. From sharp cheddars to creamy bries, cheese enthusiasts use this day to indulge in their favorite varieties and explore new flavors.
Information Overload Day
Did you know that over 25% of your work week is sucked away by distractions, email, and over-information? What would you do if you had that time back? On October 21, we take a pause to mark the annual Information Overload Day, and seek solutions that will bring back that productivity. What will YOU do […]
Coconut Torte Day
Seems only 51 weeks ago we were last celebrating Coconut Torte Day with a delicious, moist, coconutty coconut torte. But no, apparently it’s been a whole year! Thank goodness it’s rolled around again so soon. What could be more exciting than the smell of a cake in the oven?Not just any cake either. This will […]

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