Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

What do you excel at? What gifts, talents or skills are uniquely yours? Take the opportunity to share your unique gifts with friends and colleagues on Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/celebrate-your-unique-talent-day/

Steak and BJ day
Rumps and Romps. Fillets and Fellatio. Sirloins and Sucking. Some say it was invented by the Romans in 269AD, and institutionalized through St Valentine’s cousin, Claudius Fellatio. Others suggest that when World War II ended in 1945, president Harry S. Truman had the FBI covertly spread the word to act as a “welcome home” for […]
Tv Talk Show Host Day
When : Always October 23rd Tv Talk Show Host Day celebrates and honors all Tv Talk Show hosts. This very special day is celebrated on the birth date of legendary night time talk show host Johnny Carson. Carson is considered the ""King of late night Television"". He hosted The Tonight Show from 1962 to 1992. […]
Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day
Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache DayMore Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.americanmustacheinstitute.org/2011/11/have-sex-with-a-guy-with-a-mustache-day/
National Spicy Hermit Day