Look Up at the Sky Day

How often do you look upwards? Look Up at the Sky Day encourages you to stop for a moment, and to appreciate the beautiful blue sky, fluffy clouds and elegant, soaring birds… That’s on the assumption that it’s not grey, raining, cloudy, foggy, or that you’re indoors…

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/look-up-at-the-sky-day/

Astronomy Day
It should be called Astronomy Night, have a look up at the stars tonight
red roses
Red Rose Day
June 12th honors the timeless symbol of love and romance with Red Rose Day. This special occasion celebrates the beauty and significance of the red rose, a flower that has captivated hearts for centuries. Join us in admiring the elegance of the red rose and sharing its message of love and affection on this memorable day!
Dessert Day
When : Always October 14 National Dessert Day is a rich day filled with yummy treats! Celebrate National Dessert Day today. For just one day, forget about the calories and high fat content in many desserts. Then, tomorrow you can go back to your diet. It's easy to enjoy National Dessert Day . You can make […]
Grammar Day
Celebrate Grammar Day by crossing your I’s, dotting your T’s, and making sure that you’re correctly punctuating and structuring your sentences. Watch those apostrophes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/grammar-day/