It should be called Astronomy Night, have a look up at the stars tonight
Fibonacci Day
Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, is responsible for the Fibonacci Sequence (or Fibonacci numbers) – a pattern of counting where each number is the sum of the previous two. As well as being prevalent in nature, this kind of system is used widely in computer data storage and processing, and Fibonacci Day recognises […]
Video games represent one of the largest and fastest growing entertainment industries – from consoles and hardware, to games and accessories, and even to the music, artwork and dialogue in games, video games are a huge part of modern life. Video Games Day reminds us that video games are still a very new creation; if […]
Napping Day provides an opportunity to adjust after changes to daylight savings when losing an hour of sleep due to ‘springing forward’. Mid-afternoon naps are an integral part of most cultures, and scientifically proven to be good for you – so here’s to justifying a few hours of well deserved kip!More Details...All details taken directly […]
Spare a thought for the hectic and busy lives of traffic directors everywhere. Being responsible for keeping our streets and traffic systems in tip top condition is no small order.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at