
Absurdity Day

When : Always November 20th

Isn't it totally absurd? Crazy or not, Absurdity Day is staring you right in the face.

Some days are truely illogical and senseless, exactly the definition of Absurdity Day. So, by intent error, or just through surfing the net, you've stumbled upon this special, senseless day.....how absurd!

Celebrate this day in an absurd manner. Don't sit back waiting for something absurd to happen. Rather, seek out things to do that are somewhat, if not wholly, illogical. Have fun with it. But, whatever you do, don't try to make sense with it.

Have a wonderful, mind boggling and absurd Absurdity Day!!


More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/November/absurdityday.htm

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