
Be an Angel Day

Spreading Kindness on August 22


In a world that often seems fraught with challenges and negativity, "Be an Angel Day" on August 22 serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action for kindness. This unofficial holiday encourages people to embody the spirit of angels by performing acts of goodwill and compassion. Whether through grand gestures or small acts of kindness, Be an Angel Day reminds us of the positive impact we can have on others' lives.

The Origins of Be an Angel Day

Be an Angel Day was founded in 1993 by Jayne Howard Feldman, an author and self-described spiritual advisor. Feldman created this day to inspire people to help others in need and to recognize the "angels" in our everyday lives – those individuals who selflessly assist others without expectation of reward or recognition.

The Meaning Behind Being an "Angel"

In the context of this holiday, being an "angel" doesn't refer to religious iconography but rather to the concept of selfless kindness. An "angel" in this sense is someone who:

  1. Performs acts of kindness without expecting anything in return
  2. Offers help to those in need
  3. Spreads positivity and compassion
  4. Makes a positive difference in someone's life, no matter how small

Ways to Celebrate Be an Angel Day

There are countless ways to embody the spirit of Be an Angel Day:

Random Acts of Kindness

  • Pay for a stranger's coffee or meal
  • Leave encouraging notes in public places
  • Help a neighbor with yard work or errands

Community Service

  • Volunteer at a local charity or food bank
  • Organize a community clean-up event
  • Donate blood or sign up to be an organ donor

Supporting Loved Ones

  • Reach out to a friend going through a tough time
  • Offer to babysit for a stressed parent
  • Cook a meal for a busy family member

Environmental Kindness

  • Plant a tree or start a community garden
  • Pick up litter in your neighborhood
  • Reduce your carbon footprint for the day

Workplace Kindness

  • Bring treats for your coworkers
  • Offer to help a colleague with their workload
  • Recognize and appreciate your team members' efforts

The Impact of Kindness

Scientific studies have shown that acts of kindness have positive effects not just on the recipients, but also on the givers:

  1. Improved Mental Health: Helping others can reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness and satisfaction.
  2. Better Physical Health: Acts of kindness can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  3. Stronger Relationships: Kindness fosters empathy and strengthens social bonds.
  4. Increased Life Satisfaction: People who regularly perform acts of kindness report higher levels of overall life satisfaction.
  5. Ripple Effect: Kindness is contagious. When people witness or experience kindness, they're more likely to pay it forward.

Be an Angel Day in the Digital Age

In our increasingly connected world, being an "angel" can extend to the digital realm:

  • Share uplifting content on social media
  • Offer words of encouragement to someone online
  • Donate to an online fundraiser
  • Leave positive reviews for small businesses
  • Share helpful resources or information

Challenges and Considerations

While the intent behind Be an Angel Day is undoubtedly positive, it's important to consider:

  1. Respecting Boundaries: Ensure your acts of kindness are welcome and appropriate.
  2. Sustainability: While one-off acts are valuable, consider how to incorporate kindness into your daily life.
  3. Avoiding Burnout: Remember to also be kind to yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful that what's considered kind in one culture may not be in another.

Be an Angel Day Around the World

While Be an Angel Day originated in the United States, its message of kindness is universal. Many countries have their own traditions and days dedicated to kindness and helping others:

  • World Kindness Day (November 13): Celebrated globally to promote kindness and its power to unite people.
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17): Encourages unplanned expressions of kindness.
  • Good Deeds Day (April): A global movement of doing good, uniting people from 100 countries to do good deeds for others.

The Future of Be an Angel Day

As awareness of Be an Angel Day grows, we may see:

  1. Organized Events: More community-wide events and initiatives centered around the day.
  2. Corporate Involvement: Companies incorporating the day into their corporate social responsibility efforts.
  3. Educational Integration: Schools using the day as an opportunity to teach empathy and kindness.
  4. Global Recognition: Potential for the day to gain more international recognition and participation.

Kindness Beyond August 22

While Be an Angel Day provides a focused opportunity for acts of kindness, its spirit can and should extend beyond a single day. Here are some ways to incorporate "angelic" behavior into your daily life:

  1. Practice Empathy: Try to see situations from others' perspectives.
  2. Active Listening: Give your full attention when others are speaking.
  3. Express Gratitude: Regularly thank people for their efforts and kindness.
  4. Forgiveness: Let go of grudges and practice forgiveness.
  5. Self-Compassion: Remember to be kind to yourself as well.


Be an Angel Day on August 22 serves as a beautiful reminder of the power of kindness and the positive impact we can have on the world around us. In a society that often seems divided and stressed, this day encourages us to come together, to see the best in one another, and to actively make the world a little bit brighter.

Whether through grand gestures or small acts of compassion, each of us has the power to be an "angel" in someone's life. As we celebrate this day, let's remember that kindness knows no boundaries and that even the smallest act can have a profound impact.

So this August 22, and indeed every day, let's strive to embody the spirit of Be an Angel Day. Let's spread our wings of kindness and soar towards a more compassionate, understanding, and loving world. After all, in being an angel for others, we often find that we uplift ourselves as well.

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