No Dirty Dishes Day

When: Always on May 18th

No Dirty Dishes Day is a reprieve from the daily pile of dishes to wash and dry. Day after day, we do the daily chore of washing and drying dishes, then put them away in various cabinets and drawers. We perform this task after each and every meal, and often after snacks. Even putting them in and out of the dishwasher and running it, can be a chore.

You deserve a break from this routine. And, today is that day. The objective of this day is to have no dirty dishes. It is not intended to pile them up until tomorrow.

We can think of two ways to avoid dirty dishes today:

  • Use disposable plates, cups and silverware for all meals and snacks.
  • Take the family out to eat all three meals. Then for snack, go out for ice cream!

We strongly recommend that you do not pile up the dishes to do tomorrow.  This defeats the purpose of this very special day.

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