Tongue Twister Day

Peter Piper picked a peck of… Peter Piper pecked a pick… Never mind; you get the point. Tongue Twister Day is about fumbling through those awkward phrases in an attempt to improve enunciation and impress your friends.

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Buttercrunch Day
Buttercrunch lovers, today is your day. It's National Buttercrunch Day. Today you can enjoy buttercrunch ice cream, candy, or anything buttercrunch. Spend the day with one of your favorite snacks. Make it your personal goal to have something with buttercrunch at each meal, and as a snack. Tomorrow, you can return to the diet. Flower of the […]
Molasses Bar Day
When was the last time you appreciated the simple flavors of an old-fashioned molasses dessert? Source:
White Cane Safety Day
When : October 15th White Cane Safety Day celebrates and recognizes the achievements of the blind and visually impaired, and their independence. That independence is represented by the white cane that they use to travel from place to place. The white cane is an invaluable tool for the blind. It affords blind people a freedom […]
CD Player Day
With the rise of digital downloads, MP3s and integrated media devices in the house and on the move, the humble CD player may become a thing of the past. Get a bit lo-tech, and celebrate CD Player Day by enjoying music from a dedicated CD player, a portable hand-held player, or even a boombox or ghetto-blaster!More […]

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