Clean Up Your Room Day

When: Always on May 10th

Clean Up Your Room Day is a day parents eagerly await........... and kids dread!

If you've got kids, it is very possible that their rooms are a vast wasteland, completely filled with ""good stuff"". ""Messy"" is too kind of an adjective to describe the conditions. Its impossible to walk through the room. Every dresser and shelf (and under the bed), is packed with everything imaginable. Dust has been piling up as long as your child has been around. Comfy, cozy, and quite livable to the child, its an everyday source of frustration for the ""folks"".

To mom and dad's delight, and every child's chagrin, Clean Up Your Room Day arrives every May 10th. Get out the shovels. Call in an industrial sized dumpster. Its time for everyone to clean your rooms!

Note to Kids: Clean Up Your Room Day also applies to your parents. You may want to inspect to assure that mom and dad practice what they preach!


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