Use Your Common Sense Day

Thanks to Bud Bilanich for creating Use Your Common Sense Day on the birth date of Will Rogers, which encourages us to use applied common sense – because “common sense ain’t that common“.

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Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
If there’s ever a day when it’s time to look beyond appearances, it’s Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day. Known for their wrinkly faces, stocky builds and tendency to slobber, bulldogs don’t often find themselves associated with the word ‘beautiful’. On this occasion, however, things are different.To celebrate, owners treat their beloved pets to a special adventure […]
garage sale placard on a post
Garage Sale Day
Garage Sale Day, celebrated on August 8, is a day dedicated to the time-honored tradition of hosting and exploring garage sales. This fun and community-oriented holiday encourages people to declutter their homes, find hidden treasures, and enjoy the thrill of bargaining. Whether you're a seasoned seller or an enthusiastic buyer, Garage Sale Day is the perfect opportunity to participate in a classic American pastime that fosters neighborly connections and sustainable living.
swimming pool under blue sky
Swimming Pool Day
June 11th celebrates the refreshing allure of swimming pools on Swimming Pool Day. This annual occasion invites people to dive into the cool waters and embrace the joys of summer. Join us in making a splash and creating unforgettable memories on this aquatic holiday!
Absinthe Day
Absinthe has been a beverage celebrated by artists and aristocrats for centuries, so it should only make sense that fans of this “green fairy” are eager to take part in a holiday simply known as Absinthe Day.Touted for its innate ability to inspire such writers as Ernest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde (to name but a […]

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