Candy Corn Day

When : Always October 30th

National Candy Corn Day is today. Enjoy a handful of this sweet Fall treat. And, what perfect timing. National Candy Corn Day comes just a day before Halloween. That means you can eat plenty of it, before you go out Trick or Treating.

Candy corn is enjoyed all year long. Place it in a candy dish any time of the year, and watch it disappear by the handful. By far, the vast majority of candy corn is consumed during the Fall months, with both Halloween and Thanksgiving being the biggest times to eat it.

Candy corn was invented in the 1880s by George Renninger, and first manufactured by the Wunderle Candy Company. The Goelitz Candy company was the first to manufacture mass quantities around the turn of the century.

Candy corn consists primarily of corn syrup, honey, and sugar. There's lots of carbs(sugar), but it's fat free!?

Have a happy  National Candy Corn Day.

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