
National Apple Betty Day

Peanut Cluster Day
Many foods have their own special day, and the humble peanut is no exception. Peanut Cluster Day celebrates all that is delicious and unique about the peanut. Strictly speaking not a nut but in fact a variety of bean, peanuts were originally cultivated from plants native to Paraguay, and have been enjoyed as an addition […]
Auctioneers Day
Some of the planet’s biggest personalities, loudest voices and quickest talkers are celebrated on Auctioneers Day. It’s a time to remember that auctioneering is one of the world’s most ancient professions, having begun more than 2,000 years ago.In fact, the very first auction was held about 500 B.C. in Babylon. The late 17th century saw […]
Bubblegum Day
Bubblegum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubblegum-day/
Angel Food Cake Day
When : October 10th National Angel Food Cake Day is a great day to bake a cake with your little angels. Watch the smiles on their angelic faces, as you hand them the mixing spoon to lick off the batter! Angel food cake is a sponge cake. It can be simple, or fancy. We suggest […]

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