National Apple Betty Day

image of president on american dollar bill
Presidential Joke Day
Presidential Joke Day on August 11th serves as a reminder that even in the halls of power, humor has its place. It celebrates the wit, charm, and occasional levity exhibited by presidents throughout American history, offering a refreshing break from the complexities of political discourse. As we commemorate this day each year, we not only honor the presidents who have entertained us with their humor but also recognize the enduring appeal of laughter as a unifying force in society.
Straw Hat Day
Break out the straw hats today and wear them with pride
Chocolate Souffle Day
Though cheese soufflés may be better known, everyone with a sweet tooth will prefer a chocolate soufflé instead! The recipe for soufflé is thought to originate in La Cusinier Moderne, by Vincent La Chappell, published as long ago as 1742. A soufflé is a type of cake made from a custard base and egg whites […]
Hanging Out Day
The future of the environment is in our hands and it´s the little actions that can make big differences. One simple way to save energy is to hang out your laundry instead of machine drying it. This idea has been diffused on Hanging Out Day since 1995, when the day was established to highlight the […]

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