Chocolate Souffle Day

Though cheese soufflés may be better known, everyone with a sweet tooth will prefer a chocolate soufflé instead! The recipe for soufflé is thought to originate in La Cusinier Moderne, by Vincent La Chappell, published as long ago as 1742. A soufflé is a type of cake made from a custard base and egg whites beaten to a soft peak. It can then be flavoured as desired.

Notoriously tricky to make, a chocolate soufflé is certain to impress your guests if you can pull it off – why not celebrate Chocolate Soufflé Day by inviting friends over for dinner and ending the meal with a delicious pot of chocolate deliciousness? They are well known for collapsing soon after removal from the oven so consider topping your soufflés with fruit or plenty of sauce to hide the inevitable!

What better excuse than Chocolate Soufflé Day to dig in and enjoy?

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