Felt Hat Day

Up until the 20th century, hats played an incredibly important role in fashion and attire – arguably much moreso than today. In the 19th century, felt was a common material for hats, and Felt Hat Day encourages us all to don a felt hat in tribute to this historically significant, but now somewhat neglected accessory.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/felt-hat-day/

Hug Your Hound Day
Hug Your Hound Day is about more than just loving your dog (like Dog Day) – it’s about understanding and getting involved in your dog’s environment, and experiencing the ‘wild’ of urban nature. Explore your local park with your dog, and get involved in local ecological activities to help maintain healthy, diverse environments for humans […]
Black Forest Cake Day
Chocolate, cherries and cream are on the menu for Black Forest Cake Day. Black forest cake, or Black Forest gateaux are the English names for the German dessert, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, which translates to Black Forest cherry torteMore Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/black-forest-cake-day/
Shortbread Day
On Shortbread Day, one needs to keep things short and sweet! Shortbread (not to be confused with shortcake) is an absolutely delicious kind of cookie (sweet biscuit). It is usually made with one part sugar, two parts butter, and three parts white flour. Slightly less traditional recipes can also see such ingredients as chocolate chips […]
pieces of fresh juicy watermelon
Watermelon Day
Watermelon Day, celebrated on August 3, is a refreshing holiday dedicated to one of summer's most iconic fruits. This day offers the perfect opportunity to indulge in the sweet, juicy goodness of watermelons, which are not only delicious but also packed with health benefits. Whether you're enjoying a slice of fresh watermelon, trying out new recipes, or hosting a watermelon-themed party, Watermelon Day is a celebration of summer's bounty and joy.

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