Hot Cross Bun Day

Whilst hot cross buns pre-date Christianity, they were historically only eaten on Good Friday as a Christian symbol of the crucifixion. However, they are now widely available and eaten throughout the year. Hot Cross Bun Day encourages you to consider the roots of the hot cross bun, and to take a day to enjoy hot cross buns.

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World Health Day
Potato Chip Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 14 National Potato Chip Day celebrates the ever popular potato chip. Potato Chips are America's #1 snack food. But, its not just a snack food. Its the potato of choice for many lunchtime and dinner meals. Regular (or plain) potato chips are by far the most popular. Other popular […]
Opposite Day
Don’t celebrate Opposite Day by not doing everything the right way around. Behave exactly as you wouldn’t on a normal day, and undertake tasks in a straight-forward, back-to-front manner.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
International Frugal Fun Day
When : First Saturday in October Frugal Fun Day is today. If you dig deeply, you will find resources that describe this day as ""International"" Frugal Fun Day, and ""National"" Frugal Fun Day. However, we found no documentation supporting the International or National tags. We did find plenty of reference to the intent of this […]

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