Opposite Day

Don’t celebrate Opposite Day by not doing everything the right way around. Behave exactly as you wouldn’t on a normal day, and undertake tasks in a straight-forward, back-to-front manner.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/opposite-day/

brown puzzle pieces
International Puzzle Day
Date: June 13 International Puzzle Day is a celebration dedicated to the joy and challenge of solving puzzles of all kinds. Whether it's jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, or brainteasers, this day encourages enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the delightful world of puzzles. History International Puzzle Day was established to honor the intriguing and stimulating nature […]
420 Day
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John Frum Day
Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of an imaginary man named John Frum. Villagers clothe themselves in homemade US Army britches, paint ""USA"" on their bare chests and backs, and run a replica of Old Glory up the flagpole alongside the […]
Trail Mix Day
Trail mix is a high energy snack comprised of dried fruits, nuts and energy snacks, designed to keep you alert and energised when walking, hiking, and partaking in similar endurance and intense activities. Trail Mix Day is all about creating good trail mix and testing it out on the road.More Details...All details taken directly from […]