National Thylacine Day

The last captive thylacine, possibly the last in the world, died in the Hobart Zoo, Australia on September 7, 1936

Run it Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day
Date When Celebrated: Always January 2nd ""Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes"" is an expression. It means to float an idea to see what people think, or if they notice. The term is commonly used in advertising and print media. Run it Up the Flagpole to See if Anyone Salutes Day […]
Steak and BJ day
Rumps and Romps. Fillets and Fellatio. Sirloins and Sucking. Some say it was invented by the Romans in 269AD, and institutionalized through St Valentine’s cousin, Claudius Fellatio. Others suggest that when World War II ended in 1945, president Harry S. Truman had the FBI covertly spread the word to act as a “welcome home” for […]
Button Day
When : Always November 16th Button Day is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. Button come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. There is an amazingly endless variety of buttons for your collection. But, wait a minute.... is that the meaning of this day!? Maybe, the purpose of […]
Nylon Stockings Day
Some holidays are there to celebrate events of momentous cultural significance; others are there to remind us of the little things in life. Nylon Stockings Day is very much in the second category, and a particularly quirky holiday it is too.As might be guessed from the name, this is a day in which women across […]