Be Late For Something Day

Modern living and society puts incredible pressures on us to meet challenging deadlines, observe rules and regulations, and to regulate our lives by tight schedules. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just stop for a little bit and see what happens?

Be Late For Something Day encourages you to take a step back from your schedule and intentionally be late for something – remember that things can go on without you, and maybe it’s not all quite as important as you thought; after all, you need some ‘me time’!

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Pencil Day
Cheese Fondue Day
Cheese Fondue Day is a way to celebrate that delicious mixture of cheese and wine that goes oh-so-well with bread, meat, and veggies.Fondue’s been around as a concept for hundreds of years, but cheese fondue is generally recognized to have come into existence in 1875 when the original recipe was published. Before then there was a […]
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