Newspaper Carrier Day

Do you ever think how early they get up to deliver you morning paper?

National Newspaper Carrier Day is observed annually on September 4th. Barney Flaherty was the first newspaper carrier, hired in 1833 by Benjamin Day, publisher of the New York Sun. National Newspaper Carrier Day is a observance meant to appreciate all of our newspaper deliverers and the convenience they provide to us and also to remember Barney Flaherty.

There is a Newspaper Carrier Hall of Fame, started in 1960, created to acknowledge some famous newspaper carriers in our nation’s history. Included in the Newspaper Carrier Hall of Fame are Martin Luther King Jr., Warren Buffet and John Wayne.


It would be a great day to show your newspaper carrier a little extra appreciation. A box of chocolates, a card or a simple “thank you” would make their day a little brighter. Enjoy the ease that we have in being able to wake up, get our coffee and have a paper to read before getting out of our pajamas! Use #NewspaperCarrierDay to post on social media.


Unfortunately we do not know the original creator of this 'unofficial' holiday.

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