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Ice Cream Soda Day

June 20th is a day dedicated to indulging in the delightful combination of ice cream and soda, as people around the world celebrate Ice Cream Soda Day.


The origins of the ice cream soda date back to the late 19th century, with conflicting claims about its invention. Some credit Robert Green, a Philadelphia soda fountain owner, for creating the first ice cream soda in 1874, while others attribute its invention to another soda fountain proprietor, Philip Mohr, in 1876.

Interesting Facts

  • Ice cream sodas come in various flavors and variations, with popular options including classic root beer floats, chocolate sodas, and fruity sherbet floats.
  • The ice cream soda gained widespread popularity in the early 20th century, becoming a beloved treat enjoyed by people of all ages at soda fountains, ice cream parlors, and diners.
  • Today, Ice Cream Soda Day is celebrated with special promotions, discounts, and events at ice cream shops and restaurants, encouraging people to savor the refreshing and nostalgic taste of this timeless dessert beverage.
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