Lost Sock Memorial Day

It’s inevitable – for every load of laundry you sort through, there are odd socks. Over time, you may even find that you end up with entire drawers and storage boxes filled with odd socks. But worry not! Lost Sock Memorial Day is all about commemorating the other (lost) halves of the pairs of socks which are still with us. Here’s to their memory.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/lost-sock-memorial-day/

elderly woman wearing apron
Old Maid’s Day
June 4th is Old Maid's Day, a lighthearted celebration that embraces the spirit of independence and resilience. This day encourages individuals to embrace their single status or to celebrate the strength and wisdom that comes with age.
Peach Cobbler Day
Pie dates back to the Middle Ages, but cobblers were invented by early settlers in the American Colonies, who cooked them in pots over open fires. Source: food.com
International Fun at Work Day
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Cotton Candy Day
When : Always December 7 National Cotton Candy Day is today. Cotton Candy is a popular summertime treat. That being the case, why do we celebrate this day in the middle of December? Good question. The Cotton Candy machine was patented in 1899 by William Morrison and John C. Wharton. They brought it to the […]