Kickball Day

Kickball is a popular playground sport that has been around since the early 1900’s. Originally called “Kick Baseball” the game was used by physical education teachers to teach school children the basics of baseball. The game is typically played on a field and uses 3 bases, a pitcher’s mound, and a home plate. Like Baseball or softball, 2 teams compete to score runs by kicking a rubber ball and running around the bases to score. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. The sport is easy to play and tons of fun so it is not surprising that it has grown in popularity with both children and adults alike.

Kickball fans of all ages have been begging for a day to share their love of the game so, at long last, Kickball Day is here! Kickball Day is launched by WAKA Kickball & Social Sports the nation’s premiere social sports and event company that runs kickball leagues for thousands of people each year in the US. Kickball Day gives you an excuse to get outside and relive your childhood glory days or discover a new way to exercise.

To take part in celebrating Kickball day, visit to get a copy of the official rules of the game, get 20 friends or coworkers together, and set up a kickball field for an afternoon (or after-work) game! You can also join one of WAKA’s many leagues by registering to play at

So, to all you kickball fans of the world, grab a ball and play a game with your friends and celebrate your favorite sport!

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