Candied Orange Peel Day

When: Always on May 4th

National Candied Orange Peel Day is dedicated guessed it.... candied orange peels!

Now, just what the heck is a candied orange peel? And, is it edible? Yes, it's edible. If you are a chef or a baker, then you know just what it is, and how to use it. For the rest of us, we likely have enjoyed it in seasonal baked goods all of our lives, without even knowing we have eaten it.

Candied orange peels are a boiled, sliced, sugar added treat. You can eat them by themselves. But most often, they are used in holiday cookies, snacks, and fruitcake.

On this day, bake some cookies or other recipes that use candied orange peels. Then, eat and enjoy!

Also see, National Fruitcake Day and  Fruitcake Toss Day. Fruitcakes contain a lot of candied orange peel.

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