Morse Code Day

Morse Code Day commemorates the birth of the inventor of the Morse Code – Samuel Morse in 1791.

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Virus Appreciation Day
Viruses – whether those which affect living organisms, or computer viruses – are clever little things. Sure, they’re annoying, and it’s frustrating that even with all of our protective measures, we still get infected. Virus Appreciation Day is your chance to think about viruses philosophically, and to take a moment to consider how sophisticated, amazing and […]
Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day
When faced with the question of “what would you like on your Pizza?”, the pizza novice might answer “everything, please!”. This is a rookie mistake, the correct answer is ‘everything except anchovies!’, at least that’s the case for those of us who aren’t keen on those arguably pizza-spoiling salty fish! Pizza With The Works Except […]
International Feng Shui Awareness Day
be aware of the wood, metal, fire, earth, and wind elements around, it is good chi
Tell a Story Day
When :   United States: Always April 27th Scotland and England: National Tell a Story Day is October 27th Tell a Story Day celebrates story-telling of all kinds. It doesn't matter if its fiction or non-fiction, a tall tale, or folk lore. Today is a day to tell 'em all. Stories can be from a […]

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