Backward Day

Shake up the day-to-day humdrum with Backward Day! Try walking backwards, talking backwards, and doing everything the wrong way round.
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delicious quail eggs frying in pan
Sidewalk Egg Frying Day
July 4th isn't just about fireworks and barbecues—it's also Sidewalk Egg Frying Day! This quirky holiday invites people to test the scorching summer heat by attempting to fry an egg on the pavement. While it's more of a playful experiment than a reliable cooking method, it's a fun way to celebrate Independence Day with a bit of creativity and humor. Whether you're curious about the myth or eager to participate, Sidewalk Egg Frying Day adds a unique twist to summer traditions.
Play God Day
Our research did not discover any information on the meaning or purpose of this day. What we do know ,is that God is good. Therefore, we believe that Play God Day is a day to do something good and extra special. To mark this day, we suggest that you do something good that will make […]
Memo Day
When: Always on May 21st Take a memo... Today is National Memo Day. What is it for? Who created it? Why? These are questions awaiting an answer that may never come. Every once in a while, we discover a special day with no known history or description.  Have a pen and paper handy. Go grab […]
White Shirt Day
White Shirt Day marks the end of a union strike by employees of General Motors in 1937. Commemorate their fight for fairer working conditions by wearing a white shirt!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at