Poem in Your Pocket Day

What better way to make friends than being prepared to spontaneously recite poetry? Prepare for Poem in Your Pocket Day by having your favourite prose tucked about your person, ready to orate at any moment!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poem-in-your-pocket-day/

Submarine Day
How low… can you go? How low… can you go? When it comes to Submarine Day, we imagine it’s pretty low.Believe it or not, the first recorded submersible was built by Cornelius Drebbel in 1620 for James I of England, although why anyone would want to plunge beneath the surface of a 17th century Thames […]
Absinthe Day
Absinthe has been a beverage celebrated by artists and aristocrats for centuries, so it should only make sense that fans of this “green fairy” are eager to take part in a holiday simply known as Absinthe Day.Touted for its innate ability to inspire such writers as Ernest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde (to name but a […]
brass needle through red cloth button
Thread the Needle Day
**Thread the Needle Day**, celebrated on **July 25**, is a unique holiday that encourages precision and skill, both literally and metaphorically. While it can be a fun day to practice sewing and embroidery, the phrase "thread the needle" also symbolizes finding a delicate balance or navigating a difficult path with finesse. Whether you're honing your craft or tackling a challenging situation, Thread the Needle Day is all about focus, dexterity, and the art of skillfully managing intricate tasks.
International Literacy Day
Why not read a book today? or teach someone to read.

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