Poem in Your Pocket Day

What better way to make friends than being prepared to spontaneously recite poetry? Prepare for Poem in Your Pocket Day by having your favourite prose tucked about your person, ready to orate at any moment!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poem-in-your-pocket-day/

Beautiful Day
When : Always November 20th Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It's filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells. But, wait a minute. Just what was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet […]
Personal Chef Day
No, kids and husbands, it’s not the same thing as Mothers Day!The United States Personal Chef Association (USPCA) proudly offers you your chance to serenade the single-minded, single-handed, solo pan handler and knife brandisher in your life.They say most chefs could start a fight in an empty room so give yours some love on Personal […]
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photo of stream during daytime
Nature Photography Day
Date: June 15 Nature Photography Day celebrates the art and beauty of capturing the natural world through photography. This day encourages photographers, both amateur and professional, to explore and document the wonders of nature. History Nature Photography Day was established by the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) in 2006 to promote the enjoyment of […]

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