Plumber’s Day

If you are a plumber, today is your special day

Pi 3.14159
Pi Approximation Day
Pi Approximation Day, celebrated on July 22nd, honors the mathematical constant π and the creative ways mathematicians approximate its value. This playful observance encourages exploration and appreciation of mathematical approximation techniques, showcasing the ingenuity and curiosity that surround the infinite and intriguing digits of pi.
burger on brown wooden tray
Burger Day (UK)
On August 27, the UK celebrates Burger Day, a delicious tribute to one of the nation’s favorite fast foods. This day is dedicated to enjoying and appreciating burgers in all their variations, from classic beef patties to creative gourmet options. Whether you're grilling at home, trying out a new recipe, or visiting a local burger joint, Burger Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in and celebrate this iconic dish. It's a chance to explore the diverse world of burgers and savor the flavors that make this food a global favorite.
person holding hotdog sandwich
Chili Dog Day
Chili Dog Day, celebrated on July 28, honors the delicious fusion of hot dogs and savory chili. This day is a perfect opportunity to indulge in this spicy, hearty treat, whether you're making your own at home, visiting a local diner, or participating in a chili dog cook-off. Celebrate the rich history and cultural significance of chili dogs, and enjoy the unique flavors that make this dish a beloved American classic.
Eggs Benedict Day
Eggs Benedict Day is an excuse to have a tasty treat! Eggs Benedict is traditionally made from a halved English muffin, topped with ham (or sometimes bacon), poached eggs and a hollandaise sauce. Everybody has their own versions, variations and favourites which change and swap out pretty much all of the components, from using bread […]