
Jelly Bean Day

Who doesn’t love a jelly bean? From good old cherry or buttered popcorn to more adventurous flavours like latte and chili mango?

Once mainly associated with Easter and Halloween holidays jelly beans are now an everyday treat and there’s no better time to celebrate them than Jelly Bean Day.

No-one knows for sure how, when or why Jelly Bean Day began and the origins of the beans themselves are equally mysterious; they are thought to have been developed from Turkish Delight and have certainly been popular since the mid-19th century or earlier.

You can enjoy Jelly Bean Day by using the beans in craft activities with your kids or staging your own ‘how many beans in the jar’ contest. Whatever you do, don’t forget that the tastiest way to celebrate Jelly Bean Day is by eating lots of jelly beans!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/jelly-bean-day/

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