Sourdough Bread Day

Buffet Day
National Buffet Day is celebrated annually on January 2.  Buffets are a popular choice by many when choosing a destination for eating out.Buffets are a system of serving meals, where food is placed in a public area to be easily viewed and selected, by people generally serving themselves.  Buffets are effective for serving large groups […]
No Pants Day
Feeling constrained by your clothing, relaxing in the privacy of your own home, and wanting to feel the breeze on your bare legs? No Pants Day is the perfect opportunity to brandish your pasty white ankled, and to liberate you legs!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Cornchip Day
Corn chips are a snack food made by frying or baking cornmeal into bite-sized pieces, sold in a bag and eaten either alone or with a dip. Though itâ??s origins are unclear, Corn Chip Day celebrates this popular snack and the many ways of enjoying it.The origin of corn chips dates back to 1932. The […]
Earth creation day
The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Bible by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh (Church of Ireland). The chronology is sometimes associated with young Earth creationism, which holds that the universe was created only a few millennia ago by God as […]