Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day

â??Well hooooooo-wee! Ah reckon weâ??ve found ourselves some bona fide golden nuggets right here in this olâ?? mound oâ?? grit! Yessiree, Mommaâ??s gonna be marty proud when she discovâ??rs we can afford fresh beans â??nâ?? biscuits for the winnertarm, anâ?? thereâ??s gonna be three more weeks uvvit if mah old aching knee is tâ??be rckoned with.â?

Yes. Well, anyway. Today is Talk Like a Grizzled Old Prospector Day, which can be a lot of fun, unless of course you already are a grizzled old prospector, in which case just carry on as normal. For the rest of us itâ??s an opportunity to use terms like â??consarn itâ? when we spill our coffee at work, and â??Who-Hit-Johnâ? when referring to whiskey (although unless you work in a bar or a liquor store, you should probably leave the latter until you get home).

Now go on, get out there and call somebody a varmint!

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